SpecSeal Smoke 'N' Sound Sealant is a high quality acrylic latex sealant designed for sealing through-penetrations (such as pipes, conduits, cabling, busways, openings), membrane penetrations (such as p-traps and outlet boxes) in smoke rated walls. SpecSeal Smoke 'N' Sound may also be used in linear applications such as wall-to-wall and head-of-wall joints where joints are designed to be either static or minimally dynamic. SpecSeal Smoke 'N' Sound Sealant is available in a single grade that has excellent caulking properties as well as high build properties on vertical or overhead surfaces. This single grade may be caulked (standard cartridge or bulk loaded), knifed or troweled. In addition, SpecSeal Smoke 'N' Sound contains no PCB's nor asbestos.
Product Data Sheet